Exercise Medicine

Exercise Medicine in Cancer Care


This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills in the application of exercise medicine for assessment, prescription, delivery, and monitoring of exercise for people with cancer. Medical, nursing, and allied health professionals will benefit most from this course because it builds on your extensive knowledge of human biology, patient care and health systems. In this course we concentrate on developing skills and knowledge of exercise assessment, prescription, supervision, monitoring, exercise technique, motivating behaviour change, prescribing safe and effective exercise for people with cancer.

  • Section 1 - Introduction
  • Course Outline
  • Websites and Contacts
  • Introductory Course Readings
  • Discussion of ESSA and ACSM Exercise Medicine Guidelines
  • Topic 1 - Introduction, Cancer Biology and Treatment
  • Lecture: Cancer Biology, Statistics, Diagnosis and Treatment (PPT slides)
  • Video - Part 1
  • Video - Part 2
  • Video - Part 3
  • Section 2 - exercise medicine in cancer management
  • Course Readings 2
  • Topic 2 - Exercise Medicine for Cancer Management
  • Lecture - Exercise Medicine for Cancer Management
  • Topic 3 - Principles of Exercise Prescription
  • Lecture: Principles of Exercise Prescription
  • Topic 4 - Principles of Resistance Training
  • Lecture - Principles of Resistance Training
  • Lecture - Resistance Training Equipment and Systems
  • Topic 5 - Principles of Aerobic Training
  • Lecture - Principles of Aerobic Training
  • Lecture - Aerobic Training Equipment and Systems
  • Topic 6 - Absolute and Relative Contraindications and Adverse Event Risk
  • Lecture - Absolute and Relative Contraindications
  • Reading: Adverse events of exercise therapy
  • Topic 7 - Patient Flow
  • Patient onboarding, assessment and monitoring
  • Topic 8 - Fitness and Health Assessment
  • Fitness and Health Assessment - Protocols and Tools
  • Topic 9 - Exercise Prescription
  • Practical Session - Introduction to MyWellness Exercise Prescription Platform
  • Targeted exercise prescription
  • Practical Session – Targeted exercise prescriptionsPage
  • Long term planning, prescription and periodisation
  • Topic 10 - Nutritional Considerations
  • Nutrition in cancer care
  • Topic 11 - Graduation to Self-Management
  • Graduation to Self-Management
  • Clinician, fitness professional and patient feedback
  • Case Studies
  • Case Study 1 - Ovarian Cancer
  • Case Study 2 - Prostate Cancer
  • rnewton
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed